How to let love into your life this year

2 weeks ago 26

How to let love into your life this year - Christian Connection blog

As a new year dawns, we are gifted a fresh opportunity to build the life and the relationship that we desire and deserve. So, how do we make the most of this opportunity? How can you let love into your life? I believe we do this by giving to ourselves, to our lives and to others the love we hope to receive.

Here are five steps to support you as you take steps to let love into your life in 2025.

Love yourself

If this sounds obvious, I invite you to pause for a moment and to be entirely honest with yourself about how well you are nurturing, cherishing, and caring for yourself. The answer will be different for everyone, but I can pretty much guarantee that there’s always more we can do in the self-love arena.

I’ve been on a self-love journeyHow to let love into your life this year - Christian Connection blog for more than two decades – recovering from an eating disorder, work addiction, unhealthy relationships, and other forms of self-abandonment. Despite all the healing, today I’m being called to care for myself on a much deeper level than ever before. It’s a challenge but I’m up for it.

What’s God calling you to do this year to grow in self-love? Do you need a healthier diet, more exercise, more rest and relaxation, more prayer time, deeper connections, more fun? If you were to begin each 24 hour period with self-love as your guide, what steps would you take?

Bear in mind that for some of us, the answer isn’t always to do more. It’s tempting to feel pressured at this time of year – to change, transform, improve. Perhaps you need to do less. Perhaps you simply need to kick back, relax and trust that God will take care of you if you take care of yourself.

Do things that you love

How to let love into your life this year - Christian Connection blog - do things you loveBeyond self-care, how can you make your heart sing in 2025? What activities would help you to feel truly alive? Think of the things you enjoyed as a child. I love to dance, sing and ride my bike, for example – these activities make my eyes shine, my cheeks glow and my heart skip.

In fact, it was when I committed to doing more of what I loved, to hiking, biking and camping in the Great Outdoors, that I met my now husband. Doing what I loved brought me into contact with like-minded people. I was also at my best, brimming with enthusiasm and joy. This is when we are at our most attractive.

Again, if you feel pressure to start a whole list of new hobbies, pace yourself. There is no rush. Perhaps choose one activity you’d like to do more of and schedule time for it once a week or once a month, whatever feels manageable.

Share the love

We feel better when we are being kind, generous, and loving towards others. There are so many ways in which this behaviour can manifest – from being a more courteous driver, waving people out at the crossroads, to being friendly to the cashier at the supermarket checkout, to calling up someone whom you know is isolated or alone.

Notice how buoyant you feel when you reach out to help others, when you share the love. All it takes is a smile or a warm word.

Create a lovely environment

How to let love into your life this year - Christian Connection blog (baskets for decluttering)Home is where the heart is, or so the saying goes. Take a look around your living space and ask yourself if it needs more tender loving care. I am on a decluttering mission and although it’s slow progress, every time I clear a drawer or let go of something I no longer need, I feel lighter, like there’s more space in my life, like I’m carrying less of a load.

I also feel more peaceful inside when my home is clean and ordered, as well as more willing to invite people to visit, which breaks isolation and builds connection. What steps can you take to feel happier at home?

Make space for love

At the start of 2025, is there anyone you need to let go of to make way for new love? Perhaps someone from your past is taking up space in your head and your heart, preventing you from moving on with your life. How can you let this person go? Is there some grieving you need to do? Do you need to accept that this ship has sailed and that your future lies elsewhere?

While we’re on the topic of space, how hectic is your schedule? Is there space in your diary to go on a date or to spend a day with a potential partner, or would you struggle to fit somebody new into your life? Is there anything you can do to create some space for dating in your schedule? Remember, some of us keep ourselves busy because we are afraid of relationships or scared to love. Allow some downtime into your life and see how that feels.

The new year offers us the chance to write a different story. As you open your 2025 diary, try putting the word ‘Love’ at the top of the page, and then let all your actions, decisions and choices follow on from that.

What are some of the ways you could let love into your life this year?

Enjoyed reading ‘’How to let love into your life this year? Read more by Katherine Baldwin here

About Katherine Baldwin

Katherine is a writer, dating and relationships coach, midlife mentor and motivational speaker. Her book, How to Fall in Love - A 10-Step Journey to the Heart, has helped single women and men all over the world understand their blocks to relationships, change their patterns and date with courage, clarity and confidence. Through 1:1 coaching, online courses, workshops and retreats, Katherine supports people to create healthy relationships with themselves and with others and to create lives they truly love. She also writes for the national media on topics including love and dating, wellbeing and personal development. You can find out more about Katherine's work at and you can read her blog at

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