Advent: time to reflect on the year and look forward in hope

1 month ago 45

 time to reflect on the year and look forward in hope - Christian Connection blog

Have you heard of ‘What 3 words’? It’s a system that can identify any location on Earth with a resolution of about three metres and encode it into three permanently fixed dictionary words. For example, the ‘3 words’ for 10 Downing street, London are ‘slurs.this.shark’, and the ‘3 words’ for the Eiffel tower are ‘prices.slippery.traps’. As we enter Advent, it made me think about the past year of my life and what ‘3 words’ I would use to describe it.

 time to reflect on the year and look forward in hope - Christian Connection blogThis year has been quite a momentous one for me and my family. I had a longed-for baby, turned 40, and celebrated 8 years of being married to my husband. If I were to choose three words to describe my year it would be emotional, exhilarating, and eye-opening (is that four words?). Emotional because, having a baby has its ups and downs, exhilarating, because there have been moments I felt as if I would burst with joy, and eye-opening, because this past year has taught me so much about myself, motherhood, and life in general.

Advent is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Christ (Christmas), as well as the second coming of Christ. I love Christmas, and like most people, I love the countdown to Christmas day. However, I think that whilst we wait expectantly for Christmas, Advent is also a time to reflect on the past year. For me, having a baby means that my life no longer looks anything like it used to, and whilst there have been moments of complete and utter joy, there have also been some very challenging moments. Whilst I reflect on my year using those three words I mentioned above, I also think about what three words I would use to describe God, and what He has been to me in the past year. The three words I would use are: faithful, strong, and trustworthy.


When I think about Advent, I am reminded that God is faithful to keep His promises. The coming of the Messiah had been prophesied for centuries, and over the years, it must have been tempting to lose hope. But whilst at times it may have looked like it wasn’t going to happen, God kept His promise and sent us His Son, Jesus. In the same way, God kept His promise to me and my family and blessed us with a beautiful baby girl after 7 years of marriage. So, this Advent season, I want to encourage you to hold on to whatever promises you believe God has made to you. Don’t lose hope and believe that He will be faithful to bring them to pass.

 time to reflect on the year and look forward in hope - Christian Connection blogStrong

There have been times in the past year when I have felt very weak, both physically and emotionally. But I have been reminded of God’s word that says when we are weak, He is strong, and His strength is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). So, I have learnt to rely on Him for strength when I didn’t feel that I had it in me to keep going and showing up every day – for my baby, family and friends. As you reflect this Advent season, perhaps you feel weak – the year might have taken a lot out of you. Take some time to rest and recharge, and know that even though you might be weak, God is strong, and you can pray to, and rely on Him for strength for the coming year.


God can be trusted. He can be trusted to keep His word. He can be trusted with our feelings, our emotions (even outbursts), our worries and our fears. He says we should cast our cares on Him because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). The God of Heaven cares for you- enough to send His Son to die for you! Isn’t that amazing? So, this Advent season, if you feel that perhaps this past year hasn’t quite panned out how you hoped, be reminded that God cares for you. Christmas is our reminder of that.

As you look forward to Christmas, look forward in hope – hope that there are better days to come. Hope that things could change for you in an instant. Hope that the God that has shown Himself to be faithful, strong and trustworthy to me, can also reveal Himself to you in the same way, or whichever way you need Him to, in this season.

How will you reflect on God during Advent?

Read more Advent posts on the Christian Connection blog: ‘Prepare for love, joy and peace this Advent‘ and ‘Enjoy the season of hopeful waiting this Advent‘ 

About Urenna Kiwanuka

Urenna works within the healthcare profession but considers herself a minister at heart. She is a gifted public speaker and also serves as a worship leader at her local church. She has a passion for seeing people grow in their walk with God, which led her to start the online Christian magazine Reach and Inspire Magazine. She can be contacted for public speaking engagements via this platform. She also hosts The Reach and Inspire Podcast, where she shares her thoughts on different aspects of life, encouraging and inspiring people to live out their God-given purpose. You can follow Urenna on Instagram, Facebook (@reachandinspiremag) and Twitter (@reachandinspire).

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